この時 Application Identifier をローカルで作ったアプリ名と合わせておく。
GAE上で作成ができたら GoogleAppEngineLauncher を使ってデプロイする。アプリを選んで "Deploy" ボタンを押すだけ。たったこれだけでデプロイができる。
なお前回シンボリックリンクで作成した Closure Library のディレクトリは今回実体としてアプリディレクトリ内に配置しておいた。
*** Running appfg.py with the following flags: --no_cookies --email=xcatsan@mac.com --passin update Application: closuresample; version: 1. Server: appengine.google.com. Scanning files on local disk. Scanned 500 files. Scanned 1000 files. Scanned 1500 files. Scanned 2000 files. Scanned 2500 files. Scanned 3000 files. Scanned 3500 files. Scanned 4000 files. Scanned 4500 files. Scanned 5000 files. Scanned 5500 files. Scanned 6000 files. Scanned 6500 files. Scanned 7000 files. Scanned 7500 files. Scanned 8000 files. Scanned 8500 files. Initiating update. Password for xcatsan@mac.com: Cloning 2855 static files. Cloned 100 files. Cloned 200 files. Cloned 300 files. Cloned 400 files. Cloned 500 files. Cloned 600 files. Cloned 700 files. Cloned 800 files. Cloned 900 files. Cloned 1000 files. Cloned 1100 files. Cloned 1200 files. Cloned 1300 files. Cloned 1400 files. Cloned 1500 files. Cloned 1600 files. Cloned 1700 files. Cloned 1800 files. Cloned 1900 files. Cloned 2000 files. Cloned 2100 files. Cloned 2200 files. Cloned 2300 files. Cloned 2400 files. Cloned 2500 files. Cloned 2600 files. Cloned 2700 files. Cloned 2800 files. Cloning 2 application files. Uploading 1082 files and blobs. Processed 500 out of 1082. Processed 1000 out of 1082. Uploaded 1082 files and blobs Deploying new version. Checking if new version is ready to serve. Will check again in 1 seconds. Checking if new version is ready to serve. Will check again in 2 seconds. Checking if new version is ready to serve. Closing update: new version is ready to start serving. Uploading index definitions. If deploy fails you might need to 'rollback' manually. The "Make Symlinks..." menu option can help with command-line work. *** appcfg.py has finished with exit code 0 ***
GAEでは Webベースの管理画面が用意されていて、アクセス統計やバッチ(Cron Jobs)管理、キュー管理、データ(DB)管理、などなどさまざまなことが行えるようになっている。
: : Scanned 8500 files. Initiating update. Password for xcatsan@mac.com: Error 403: --- begin server output --- You do not have permission to modify this app (app_id=u'closuresample'). --- end server output --- If deploy fails you might need to 'rollback' manually. The "Make Symlinks..." menu option can help with command-line work. *** appcfg.py has finished with exit code 1 ***
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